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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Environmental Policy/Mission Statement

CueAy is committed to protecting the environment, the health and safety of our employees, and the community in which we conduct our business. It is our policy to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment by conserving energy, water and other natural resources; reducing waste generation; recycling and reducing our use of toxic materials. We are committed to environmental excellence and pollution prevention, meeting or exceeding all environmental regulatory requirements, and to purchasing products which have greater recycled content with lower toxicity and packaging, that reduce the use of natural resources.

Environmental Responsibility

At CueAy we strive to be environmentally responsible within the communities we serve and the companies we do business with. Firms that are guided by a concept known as the “triple bottom line”, which dictates that a business should be committed to measuring its social and environmental impact, sustainability efforts, and profits. The adage “profit, people, planet” is often used to summarize the driving force behind the triple bottom line.

Firms that embrace corporate social responsibility are typically organized in a manner that empowers them to be and act in a socially responsible way. They balance their budgets and find ways to positively impact the world around them.

At CueAy we embrace these principles and are committed to supporting efforts that contribute to:

    A. Reducing environmentally harmful practices, decreasing pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, the use of single-use plastics, water consumption, and general waste.
    B. Regulating energy consumption by increasing reliance on renewables, sustainable resources, and recycled or partially recycled materials.
    C. Offsetting negative environmental impacts; by planting trees, funding research, and donating to related causes.
Ethical Responsibility

CueAy is committed to ethical responsibility by ensuring our organization is operating in a fair and upright manner. We embrace ethical principles that promote ethical behavior through fair treatment of all stakeholders. These include leadership, investors, employees, suppliers, and customers. We will compensate our employees at, or higher minimum wage if the one mandated by the state or federal government does not constitute a “livable wage.”

CueAy requires that products, materials, or components be sourced according to free trade standards and ensures they are not purchasing products resulting from slavery or child labor.

Philanthropic Responsibility

CueAy aims to actively make the world and society a better place. Acting as ethically and environmentally friendly as possible, we often dedicate a portion of our earnings to charities and nonprofits that align with our guiding missions. Our people are encouraged to volunteer and donate to worthy causes that may not directly relate to our business. Employees are also encouraged to give back and support causes that have a positive impact on society.

Economic Responsibility

Economic responsibility is the practice of CueAy backing all of our financial decisions in a commitment to do good in the areas listed above. The end goal is not to simply maximize profits, but make sure the business operation positively impact the environment, people, and society.

"The world is full of nice people.  If you can't find one, be one."


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