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Why CueAy?


CueAy was established to provide a documented quality audit approach that effectively examines installation workmanship.  It ensures customer and manufacturer's installation processes, methods, standards, and procedures are correctly executed and measured for exactness, neatness, compliance, and conformance.


CueAy has been performing audits within the Americas for over 40 years.  This journey has taken us from Canada down to Argentina and points in between. Since 1980 our founder has been performing installations & inspections for major customers both within the US and abroad. The progression has engaged us within all the providences in Canada, all 50 states in the US, along with the multiplicity of countries within Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.


For many years we oversaw the quality organizations of several large companies and gained an appreciation for the diversity each employed in maintaining their quality. We do have to admit that some were more evolved than others and the perception of quality varied from company to company. It wasn't until the engagement of TL9000 that companies started to develop a uniform way of measuring quality. However, with the accumulation of adders into the TL9K handbook it then placed a need for seasoned auditors to assist in the rollout of effective quality programs. It was not just capturing information anymore, it also included gathering statistical data at multiple project points, monitoring, and enabling continual improvements.


Realizing the need of corporations to monitor and develop effective quality assurance programs CueAy entered the arena of providers. With our long history of providing quality related services, we were poised to become a major contributor. In a short period of time, we became loyal servants to many organizations that requested our services and guidance.


Our customer base is comprised of manufacturers and carriers throughout the Americas. These included customers like Nortel, Genband, Ribbon, AT&T, Verizon, CenturyLink, Bell Canada, Eastlink, Rogers, Telus, Shaw, Videotron, Cox, Pioneer, Claro, Cable ONDA, Cable Wireless, TSTT, North Point, Tricom, Liberty, SuddenLink, VTR, Telesur, BTC, GTT, Marcatel, and APUA to name a few.  All these customers have used our services to ensure that the quality promised by the manufacturer is embedded into the final product. That each installation met not only the manufacturer quality practices but the standards and policies set forth by the customer.


We are meticulous about providing not only the services, but the associated reports that are easy to comprehend and interpret. Our value is further demonstrated by the cooperation, and willingness of each customer to receive this valued addon service. This is often reflected in improved quality metrics, CSAT ratings and repeat customer orders. It also provides targeted areas of improvement that can be used by your company or organization. In short, our services always provide a win-win proposition for you as our valued customer.


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